Launching Jeff’s Course Toward Vitality & Health

"Dr. Tracy Page is brilliant at what she does—the world needs more like her."


  • Lost over 55 pounds
  • No longer diabetic
  • Reduced heart attack & stroke risk
  • Improved Overall vitality
  • HgA1c went from 6.5 to 5.3
  • Cholesterol went from 226 to 147
  • HDL went from 36 to 47
  • Triglycerides went from 241 to 160
  • LDL went from 135 to 66
  • Vitamin D went from 21.8 to 70
  • Testosterone went from 142.3 to 685
  • Insulin went from 55.8 to 12.2

When 58-year-old Jeff began putting on weight, it made no sense to him—he had weighed the same for years, and had an active job as the leader of a statewide business building commercial and residential piers.

Jeff went to a new family physician to seek advice and to work on getting his weight back down.

“But my weight still kept going up, and I was told ‘It’s food in, food out.’ I said, ‘The next thing you’ll tell me is I have diabetes,’” Jeff said. And sure enough, his A1C levels showed that Jeff was, in fact, diabetic, which was really the last straw for him.

“I was working on this, trying everything in the world,” he said. “I’m a very physical person, and I had gained 70 pounds!

He did some research, eventually finding Dr. Page and the Wisconsin Institute of Functional Medicine.


Over the course of a year, Jeff has lost about 55 pounds while restoring about 17 pounds of muscle. In his case, his weight gain seemed largely connected to a hormone imbalance. Jeff had suspected low testosterone also might be hindering his ability to lose weight. “I had all the signs of it, and my labs were so out of balance.”

Part of Jeff’s treatment included testosterone replacement to get his levels in the normal range, B12 shots and monitoring levels of fat around Jeff’s liver and other organs (this is known as visceral fat), which can lead to health conditions, including diabetes and heart attacks. “Dr. Page focuses on each person’s makeup and works on optimizing what your body needs,” he explained.

Jeff showed a high level of inflammation in his blood—his high sensitivity CRP (C-reactive protein) was 10.5 when under 3 is considered normal. Under 1.0 is optimal for reducing cardiac risk. Inflammation can cause patients to have body aches and pains; it can alter blood vessel elasticity leading to hypertension and coronary artery disease.

“I haven’t drastically changed how I exercise or eat,” Jeff said. “And as far as stress goes, I’ve run several businesses in my life and am now doing work from one end of the state to another. My journey was all about my lab work and changing those numbers.”

Jeff reduced his inflammation significantly; his Hg A1C went from 6.5 to 5.3 and is now within the normal range, reducing the danger from diabetes. He was developing metabolic syndrome and almost has normal cholesterol levels.

“Rather than just being treated for symptoms, functional medicine is more based on your individual labs and overall current health needs,” Jeff said. “And instead of guessing what will work, your labs are checked to ensure you’re seeing results.”


“If you’ve exhausted what you feel are all the right avenues to regaining your health and you are frustrated, a call to WIFM would be the call I would make.”

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